Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 9 of 30: CHALLENGES

DAY 9 OF 30

Good day everyone! If you're a Facebook user, please, take a moment to look up the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE! and 'Like' it! The page is set up and designed to help everyone communicate more freely, share thoughts, recipes, tips, funnies, etc.


We all have them. Many are obvious to the eye of the beholder. Many are not. Some people speak of their challenges openly and freely. Others prefer to keep them to themselves. Some complain their challenges keep them from progressing. Others use their challenges as stepping stones, to take them to the next level. Some give up with their challenges, others invite challenges into their lives, knowingly. With some it’s evident they are facing a challenge. Others you’d never think they’d had a challenge in their life. One thing is for sure though…


Challenges are a lot like stress. Much of stress lies in our perception of it. The same goes for challenges. One mans stress is another mans stress reliever. This is why it’s imperative to build relationships, and have a support system, so you can meet and learn from others who have already traversed the path, and overcome. Soon, you'll find there are many who have made it through whatever it is you are dealing with, and have gone on to live happy, fulfilled lives.

Do I have challenges? Of course I do. I keep many of them to myself, and others I share. The ones I tend to share, are the challenges I feel would be of benefit to the person or group I'm sharing it with. For instance, the challenges I share with my students in a group fitness setting, is different from a challenge I share with my Ranger team. I mostly keep to myself unless I feel moved upon to do otherwise. Is there a right or wrong? Certainly not. Sharing, or not sharing our challenges, is a personal choice. 


You’ve been asking what my CHALLENGE is. Sure, I will tell you mine, in hopes that you, too, will share yours with me.

As many of my close clients, friends, and family know, I’ve been working hard 24/7 on TIGHT BODY BOOT CAMP for several years now. TIGHT BODY BOOT CAMP is NOT just another fitness program ‘Out there’. It’s a very demanding, high intensity, hardcore, EXTREME fitness program. TIGHT BODY BOOT CAMP is years (Roughly 30 years worth, to date), of knowledge and experience, in at least a dozen modalities, into one. It strengthens the individual (athlete), from the ‘Inside-out’, meaning mental capacities must be tapped into and be fully engaged to complete a Camp. TIGHT BODY is a life changing experience. I’ve poured my heart and soul into it’s creation, development, and future success.


I’ve seriously used my body as a science experiment along the way. I’ve trained hardcore, back-to-back workouts 6 days a week. These workouts have ranged from three to six hours each day. Taxing? Yes. Tiring? Yes. Exceptional experience? Yes. My goal was to formulate/perform various workouts to find out what built the body up fastest, built endurance, and most importantly, how the nervous system responded to such EXTREMES. At the same time I experimented with supplementation. Natural products, a lot of nutrient dense foods, healing liquids, store bought Natural supplements, and plenty of herbs.

When I began this venture, I weighed 102 lbs. 16% body fat. Now, at nearly 47 years of age, I weigh 118 lbs. 14% body fat. As you can see, I’ve put on roughly 16 lbs. of muscle, and dropped 2% body fat. While most adult women are losing muscle at my age, I've been packing it on. I have competed in both Figure and Bodybuilding along the way, and therefore you may have seen me when I dropped body fat to 9.5% for a couple shows. Competing has been a successful hobby for me. I’m grateful. Immediately after each competition, I got back to business working on my TIGHT goals.

Did I attain my goal(s)? YES! 


I no longer need to go ‘full boar’. I have sacrificed time with my family, friends, recreation, vacations, even taking a rest, seriously, to achieve my goal(s). Yes, I’m still a mom of six, wife, grandmother, and for many years a teacher (once a teacher, always a teacher). What I’ve mainly sacrificed was sleep over the years. I would get up very early and work late, so I didn’t feel like I was jipping my family. I’m not talking a month or so, of sacrifice. I’m talking years.

So, here’s my CHALLENGE for the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE, I’m challenging myself to begin tapering back. That’s right, after years of pushing myself 3-6 hours per day, I’m ‘weaning’ myself off hours of exercise, to a maintenance program. Some of you may find my CHALLENGE rather humorous, but to me, it is not. It’s not easy for an extreme athlete to step back from full throttle. The temptation to do another exercise, another set, etc., is almost an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I have stuck with the CHALLENGE, it’s been one week, and I shall continue to see it through. My nervous system is going to take some time to heal, and I respect that. I will listen to my body.


I want to wean to a maintenance program so I can have more time for my family, friends, and new ventures. Life is too short. Will this affect TIGHT? No, it can only strengthen it. TIGHT intends to stay on the cutting edge of EXTREME workouts. Boot Camps will keep running, clients will still be training (whether online or local), and meal plans will still be ‘dished out’, lol. Cutting down on workout time, frees me up to do other things I both enjoy, and need to tend to.


I’m very happy to say, I’ve been asked to do a television show. We’re due to shoot the pilot in the next couple weeks! Yes, this is very exciting, as it’s not everyday you’re given the opportunity to have your own television show. Whether it flies or not, I’m honored at the opportunity, and thrilled to be a part of it! I’ll keep you posted.

I’ve also been asked to write the first of many books. Yes, this too, is very exciting! As you can tell, I will still be busy, but in a new ‘season’. I’m very excited. I cleaned, organized, and prioritized last week with my new found ‘free’ time. I understand this ‘free’ time will be anything but ‘free’, for the next several months, but it is a step in the right direction, and this my friends, is progress.

So, there you have it. My CHALLENGE to maintenance, re-prioritize, balance, and on to SUCCEED!

Now, what’s your CHALLENGE?

Remember, the Facebook CHALLENGE page is up and running, feel free to add your comments, etc.

Have a spectacular DAY 9! 

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