Saturday, August 6, 2011

DAY 6 of 30: What Does 1RM Mean?

DAY 6 of 30
Congratulations CHALLENGERS! You're on your first official weekend of the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE! You've made it through the main week, and now it's time for some fun, sun, family and friends, fresh air, rest and restoration! How are you feeling? Invigorated? Motivated? Good!!!
I've had several questions regarding the 1RM on workouts. Today, we shall look at what a 1RM is, and how to find it.
1 RM means 1 Rep Max. It’s the weight at which you can only perform 1 repetition with your all, period, no more…no less. Of course, you’re not just going to throw a heavy load onto your bar and see if it’s your 1RM, it would be outright risky, as you need to acclimate the working muscles to the load so as not to pull it. 
Begin with a good warm-up, one which will warm your working muscles, yet not fatigue them. Be sure to do some stretching of the muscles you intend to use, as well, then proceed to load your bar with a moderate load. Do a rep or two. Add weight in increments of 5-10 lbs. depending on how you feel, again just doing one or two reps. The important thing to remember as you’re lifting to find your 1 RM load, is not to fatigue the muscle group before you get there, yet you need to make the mind muscle connection along the way. The closer to your 1RM max, one rep will do. Be sure to record everything, it will make it much easier for you to know your starting point for the next time. Also, be sure your form is impeccable, or your load will teach you in ways you’d rather not know. Of course, when finding RM’s having a spotter is a MUST, as your muscles can give at any time, not worth the risk.
Take your time. Stay focused. Work hard. Play hard. Be safe.
Have a fantastic DAY 6!

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