Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are You New to THE TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE? Start Here....


Ready.... Set..... GO!!!!!

Whether you've completed a 30 DAY CHALLENGE previously, or this is your first time around the block, TIGHT BODY is here to support, uplift, motivate, and educate you along your journey to success. As you follow the daily blogs and contemplate and participate in the exercises outlined, you sure to come out a much happier, healthier person.

THE TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE has proved successful for many people, and can work in your favor, too, whether it's dumping a bad habit that's held you back for years, implementing a healthy habit into your life, or enriching your life, TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE is sure to help you reach your goals. 

Perhaps, the best part's free!


1. Begin by reading all the information in the sidebar.

2. Either type 'Prepping Day' in the search bar and go in order Day 1-6, or go to the beginning of the blogs on the sidebar, and scroll all the way to the bottom where it says 'July', and start with the first 'Prepping' day. There are 6 prep days, to help you prepare for your 30 DAY CHALLENGE! That's right, you have a whole 6 days to prepare, and trust me, you'll need it! These blogs are crucial for your success, and are the building blocks for your CHALLENGE.

3. Begin with 'DAY 1 of 30', of THE TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE, by typing 'Day 1' in the search bar or you can go to August, scroll down, and click on 'Day 1'. Continue day by day following the blog for your 30 DAY CHALLENGE. Be sure to implement the suggestions outlined in the daily blog, into your day, as they're meant for your personal growth, and development.


6. Give yourself a day off, if the calendar permits, and begin your next 30 DAY CHALLENGE on the following first day of the month! Be sure to tackle just one item at a time. 

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions and/or concerns you may have at Be sure to look up the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE Face Book page. The Face Book page is an interactive page for support, sharing your thoughts, ideas, tips, links for products, etc. 

Please, be sure to share the word about the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE with your friends, family, loved ones, co-workers, associates, everyone you know, the more support, the better!

Best to you,


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


"The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; 
to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity."
— Benjamin Franklin

Day 30 of 30: Congratulations!!!!

DAY 30 of 30!
You made it, CONGRATULATIONS! I hope this is the beginning of many successful 30 DAY CHALLENGES for you!

Today's Focus: REJOICE!

Yes, enjoy the fact you're on your last day! You see, it's really the journey that matters when you look back. It's the journey that brought you where you're at today. It's the journey that helped you learn about yourself along the way, helped you see your imperfections, your strengths, and helped you realize your 'limit' is something you've placed upon yourself. Yes, you CAN do it! 

When you participate in the 30 DAY CHALLENGE, you grow much along the way. There is a lot to be learned in a single day, combine that over 30 days and you've been exposed to all sorts of new possibilities. 

THE TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE is more than just going without for 30 days, it's an awakening of mind, body, spirit, and character. Participating in the 'exercise' of the daily blogs, and contemplating what each one means to you, is an integral part of your success, not only for 30 days, but for all future CHALLENGES, as well.

Many of our CHALLENGES are based on our perception of them. Many perceptions are then feed by emotion, and  

leads us either down a productive path, or a destructive path, 

depending on how you perceived it to begin with. 

As many of the CHALLENGERS have e-mailed me with their CHALLENGES (for personal reasons), I can tell you this: The majority involved eating. People who knew what to do but chose otherwise. People who have a basic understanding of eating healthy, and people who honestly just guess at what they're doing when it comes to eating. Others were about spending, drinking, and yet others involved being on the computer, way too much. Yes, we also had people who chose to drink more water every day, eat their vegetables, and get eight hours of sleep.



There is something that gives you pleasure, or perhaps takes you out of a stressful place to a comforting place, or gives you a sense of power, when you give in to temptations. What you need to realize is this, what started off as a comfort, becomes an addiction, and addictions do anything BUT give you power. 

In fact, in the long-run they will leave you feeling powerless, and out of control.

This is why it's crucial to learn and understand, your own feelings, and DEAL WITH THEM! Don't bury them, ignore them, stuff yourself silly trying to keep them down, drink, spend, or waste any of your precious time away! It's simply NOT worth it! I want you to think of this each time you're tempted, to be lulled away. Think about how much time, effort, and resources are utterly wasted by masking your problems instead of dealing with them. These addictions cost people their relationships, their dreams, their goals, and sometimes...even their lives! DO NOT BE DECEIVED. The interesting thing is, you're the only person who truly knows what you're thinking, how you feel about it, and the 'stress' factor on your body. Therefore,  



If you notice anything you feel like you're starting to cling to, that isn't healthy, run from it! If your family wants you to buy cookies or candy every week at the store, it's a red flag, simply say, "No, we don't have to get those every week". This way you're not only reinforcing your new found habit, but you're also helping your children. Our children want what we teach them for the most part. If youngsters crave sweets, and want soda, etc., take a good look at your own habits. Yes, they will make decisions of their own while they're at school, etc., but your influence has a great impact on them. 

On to the next TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE cycle! Please, tell all your friends, family, co-workers, the postman, you get the idea, about the 30 DAY CHALLENGE! Give them the blogspot address and share the rewards with all you know. You never know, you could really have helped someone change their life, for the better! Be sure to tell them about the Face Book TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE, as well. 'LIKE' the page too, while you're at it! Be sure to add me as your friend if I haven't already, I'd like to stay in touch with you, and all your future success stories!

May your DAY 30 of 30 be filled with much gratitude, excitement, enlightenment, and peace. May your hearts be filled with hope and faith, and a new found belief in you and your own ability to make the changes you desire in your life.

Health and Hugs,

Monday, August 29, 2011


"It's not the situation…… it's your reaction to the situation." - Bob Conklin

Day 29 of 30: Journaling: A Look at Where You've Been

DAY 29 of 30!
Here you are, one day away from ending the first cycle of your 30 DAY CHALLENGE! If you're planing on moving on to another cycle of the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE to improve in another area, or onto another item on your list, that you'd like to omit from your lifestyle, or implement into your lifestyle, or make a transformation 30 days at a time, begin making your plans today!

I suggest taking the 31st off, and begin your new 30 DAY CHALLENGE straight up on September 1st! Very fun, very exciting! I'm stoked! This month has been very successful, yes challenging, but very successful, I couldn't have ask for more. I hope your journey has proven positive for you, as well. 

You can apply the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE anywhere, anytime, for any reason. You don't need to have the 'perfect' plan, 'perfect' time, 'perfect' anything, but you DO need to put some thought into it, and a lot of conscious, and physical effort, as it will not happen haphazardly. 


If you haven't kept a journal, or some sort of notes on your calendar, today is a great day to do it. Write about how you felt about your CHALLENGE to begin with, what it was like along the way, and what's it like to reach the end, yes, tomorrow! Write about your personal growth: Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Make note of people who have come into your life, and perhaps a few who have left. Write down the blessing and opportunities that came to you, and where you stepped out of your comfort zone to create a better you. Be sure to include your feelings. You will use this journal to remind you of your success, your ability to overcome, to prepare, plan, execute, and fulfill your CHALLENGE, and it will motivate you whenever you need an extra boost!

Have a wonderful DAY 29 of 30!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 28 of 30: Our Deepest Fear....

DAY 28 OF 30!

Stand tall. Believe in yourself. Let doubt be buried. Let confidence arise. Learn from your mistakes. Press forward. Don't look back. Smile. Live. Love. Laugh. Hugs!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson

Peace to you. DAY 28 of 30!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters."
Alan Simpson

Day 27 of 30: What's The Most Powerful Thing You Could Ever Do?

DAY 27 of 30 !

Here we are, at the last weekend of the CHALLENGE! Yahoo! What are your plans for the weekend? Have you thought about your plans POST CHALLENGE? Are you brave enough to give the next item on your list a go at it? Remember, take just one item at a time. You'll be making improvements in all areas of your life along the way, many times without realizing it. By giving up something that weakens you, it allows you to put that energy somewhere else. When you have more energy freed up, you can accomplish more with less effort. 


I'd love to get your feedback on this question! 

This is what I believe it to be:


That's right, TAKE ACTION! Do something. Move. Make a call. Write a letter. Make a plan. Write a book. Perform an exercise. Teach a lesson. Smell the roses. Make something delicious and nutritious. You get the idea. TAKE ACTION. Do not wait idly by as life moves forward each day, hoping your moment will come, wishing something wonderful would happen to (or rather for) you. YOU must make it happen. YOU must form the plan. YOU must take the initiative. YOU must be the one with the driving force, for if you don't, it won't happen.

Too many people live the same day over, and over, and over again. Wake up. Keep your life fresh. Do you know why so many people live the same day over again for years? Because it's their comfort zone. It's safe there. They know what to expect, when to expect it, and how to expect it. What has happened to their inner drive? It lays dormant within. 

I'm not saying routine is bad. What I'm saying is, let's not get so settled in our 'Zones', that we lose the initiative to reach out for our goals, and dreams. If a 30 year old believes 30 is 'old', they will surely be old indeed, in mind, in body, and in spirit. If a 70 year old believes she has tons of energy, you'll see her out mowing the yard, taking Zumba classes, etc. Yes, I have such a woman in my Zumba class, and she's actually 72!

I believe if you stay in the same place too long, you grow lax, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. It's like having an invisible box growing around you, year after year. It makes it harder to see out of the box, dream out of the box, and reach out of the box. Creativity comes to a halt.

So PLEASE, do a check on your life. Are you currently in a box? Or has the TIGHT BODY 30 DAY CHALLENGE helped you see out of the box? Or are you one of those who never has a box? Never having a box is a topic for another blog. The idea here is to TAKE ACTION! This is what Abraham Lincoln did, as well as many other people who have accomplished incredible things. As the saying goes, 


The successful TAKE ACTION!  

Each and every day, take action on your goal(s), and dreams. Believe in them, yourself, and never underestimate what you are capable of doing. 

Enjoy this beautiful DAY 27!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Think About It....

According to historical accounts, Edison failed 10,000 times in his storage battery experiments. When asked about these failures, Edison replied,
"Why, I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Edison went on to win:
141 patents for storage batteries
389 for electric light and power
195 for the phonograph
150 for the telegraph
and 34 for the telephone.
1,093 patents in all!
How's that for learning from your mistakes?

Day 26 of 30: Weight Loss Stories: Don't Underestimate Your Own

DAY 26 of 30!

Today’s topic is a sensitive one. It’s about weight loss. Weight loss is a very personal issue. Before I begin, I want to make three things clear: 

1) I’m not putting anybody on a pedestal.
2) Nor am I putting anybody down. 

The focus of this article is to bring people to the awareness that:
3) Weight loss is weight loss, period.


You’ve heard the stories, and seen the before and after pictures of many people who have once been overweight or obese. Some of them go on to produce a book about their journey, some manufacture supplements, sell t-shirts, make dvd’s, and other projects to tell others about their success. Others go on to promote a specific weight loss product, program, etc. Many go on grateful the weight has been lost and feel no need to explore the world of media, or profit. Is there anything wrong about ‘selling’ your story? Absolutely not, it can be outright motivating to another person who sees your story and pictures, and gives them the drive to give it a go, and see if they can produce the same results. Is it wrong NOT to share your story? Absolutely not, as I’ve said, weight loss is a very personal issue. Besides, those who know you and see the hard work you’ve done, and lifestyle changes you’ve made, will stand in awe regardless if you advertise it, or not.


You also meet people almost everyday, who mention how they’d like to lose the last five, ten, or maybe fifteen pounds they’ve been trying to lose. Talk to anyone long enough, bring up the subject of health and/or weight, and it’s almost a given people will express their constant frustration of weight loss. They’ll share their stories with you of how much weight they’ve lost, then gained, and lost again. This has come to be known as yo-yo dieting in some instances, but not all. For instance, a woman could have had several children, gained a significant amount of weight, and had to then lose the weight. Is that yo-yo dieting? No.


Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Well, it’s true, and I’m the one who did it. No, I’m not broadcasting pictures. No, I’m not ‘selling’ my story; I’m simply sharing this with you.  I’ve lost 200 pounds. No, it wasn’t drastic. Like millions of other Americans, it was an almost hidden battle that went on for years, which many around me never realized. Some would say it as “I’ve lost the same five to fifteen pounds, up to fifty times”. Perhaps, perhaps not. The fact is, I gained the weight, and I lost the weight. Weight loss is weight loss, period. No, I was not obese. I’m your typical American. I gained weight, and lost it, over and over, and over again.

You see; there is no difference when it comes to weight loss. Whether a person gains all 200 pounds consecutively, or puts it on, and takes it off, over and over and over again, 200 pounds is 200 pounds.

I find it unfair when people make comments about an over weight or obese individual, because they themselves might not be any better off as far as gaining the weight, it’s just masked a bit differently.

I was a heavy set teenager due to the fact I had health issues which doctors recommended I not exercise (seriously), and spent most of my time depressed, watching television, eating unhealthy snacks, and getting fat. My story is in a previous blog on  When I first began losing weight, it was in a haphazard ‘yo-yo’ style manner, as I hadn’t the education to understand different. As time moved on, and the more I learned on the topic, it changed.

I began maintaining 15 years ago. This maintenance was for my goals at that time of my life. A weight of 102 to 106 was my stabilized weight. As I wanted to become more fit, my weight began to go up, as I was building muscle. My maintenance weight is now 114-118, however, I’m much healthier and fit.

You can ask anyone who competes in Figure or Bodybuilding about their weight bouncing up and down between shows and/or seasons, as they are constantly putting it on, and taking it off. Is this any different than an overweight person losing weight? No. As weight loss is weight loss, period.

Ask sport athletes about gaining and losing weight, wrestlers, gymnasts, swimmers, etc. It comes on, and they have to take it back off. Some areas of career are bent on weight, such as with ballet. If you don’t make the weight, you don’t get the part, period. Is this weight loss different than any other weight loss? No.

You can ask the mother of several children what it’s like to have children and get back in shape again. Trust me, the more you have, the longer and harder it is to do, I know, I’ve had six children, and three other pregnancies (including twins), which left me with weight to lose. Is this weight loss any different? Some would argue ‘baby weight’ comes off faster. Yes, to some degree the water weight, and other fluids cleanse out quickly from the pregnancy, however, there is still weight to be lost, and weight loss is weight loss, period.



For the overweight and obese, losing weight is a long-term battle. It won’t happen overnight, but change can be made everyday through conscious effort, and determination.

For the ‘maintenance’ people, and ‘yo-yo’ dieters, it’s an ongoing daily battle as well, just in a different way. It takes the same conscious effort however, and determination to lose ten pounds, or maintain current weight, as it does to lose a hundred.

To those of you who struggle with your weight going up and down throughout the year, or struggling to lose the last five, ten, or fifteen pounds and look at pictures of people who have lost a significant amount of weight and say, “Sheesh, look at them, they were 100 pounds overweight and they did it, what’s my problem?” Then go on to get further depressed, and frustrated with yourself, I say stop.  

The problem here is comparing your self to someone else. Everyone’s circumstances are different. Weight loss is the same for everyone. 

Look back at your track record. Have you lost weight before? Chances are, you have. If so, you haven’t failed, you succeeded at that time, and can do it again, perhaps in an even healthier way. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times;  

You are you. Your circumstances are different. Take action. Get educated. Go to work.

To those who are overweight and look at people who are in shape, or at a modest weight, please, do not feel like it’s any easier for them. It is just as hard to maintain a healthy weight. It is a conscious decision everyday as what to eat, drink, etc. Do not look and feel it is beyond you, that it could never be you, because it just isn't true.

Weight loss is weight loss, period. 

Maintenance is maintenance, and it’s not easy either, it’s a choice. Get support. Believe in yourself, and know no one is any better, or has it any easier when it comes to weight, and weight loss. We all deal with it daily. Period.

I have not said too much in the way of health conditions which could keep one from losing weight as readily as normal. Research indicates genetics play a very small role in regards to weight for the majority of people. However, I find people in both categories have thyroid, adrenal, cancer, etc., conditions that affect weight and weight loss. What I’m referring to here today is the greater of the population, who does not fall into these categories.

May we accept ourselves for who we are, work with what we have, where we’re at, and judge ourselves against no one but our self. Progress is progress. Period.

DAY 26 of 30!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


"I've failed over and over and over again 
in my life and that is why I succeed."
— Michael Jordan

Day 25 of 30: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?

DAY 25 of 30!

 How many times have you started an eating plan, only to be invited to a reception, baptism, birthday party, home parties of any kind, and gave in BECAUSE OF HABIT. This is where you must stand tall, and set the standard. Yes, expect to hear comments from your family and friends. Yes, expect to feel a bit awkward as everyone else is sitting down with plates full of food, and perhaps even another plate full of desserts, and you're eating according to your meal plan. Expect to stick out! You are NOT a typical American, who eats the typical American diet: hamburger, fries, and hot apple pies. People will look at you, question you, tease you, even make a mock of you, WHO CARES? It's not their body. You live with your consequences, they live with theirs. People, and loved ones will get used to it, and perhaps some day want to make changes themselves, and guess who'll they'll ask first?

If you’re like me and have a lot of kids, and a lot of relatives, there’s a birthday every time you turn around! Birthday’s and holiday celebrations are to be enjoyed. Eating healthy is a conscious decision that doesn’t have to give way to these special occasions. I get asked all the time, "What do I do for birthday's?" This is a good question. This comes down to whatever you decide to do. Don't be pressured by family, or family traditions, and keep repeating something that simply doesn't work for you. On the other hand, if you want to keep a tradition, then find a happy medium, a way to keep it, but in a way that works for you and your family.


Today I’d like to share with you a family favorite. It’s not for everyone, but maybe it’s for you. I found we were celebrating our family’s birthdays almost every month. I always ask my children what they’d like for their birthday dinner, and what kind of cake or something along that line, they would enjoy for their birthday. After all, it IS a tradition, right? Don’t get me wrong, traditions are great, however, once you begin your own family, it’s up to YOU which traditions you’d like to keep, and which ones get the axe. 

NOTE: This carrot cake is not a cake as featured above which tends to have mega unhealthy fats, sugar, and as a result calories! This cake does 'Hit the Spot', and you won't be missing anything in taste. I play around with the amounts each time I make it, to see how much I can keep reducing the sugar, oil, etc., while still keeping it palatable. 

Of course, you could skip the dessert entirely, yes, this would be best for your health, however, when those occasions permit it, and you would like to have something 'sinful', without the guilt, a modest slice of carrot cake could not only hit the spot, but also encourage other family members to try healthier recipes for their families, too.


  Yes, carrot. A family favorite! I’ve changed the ingredients a bit to suit our health conscious goals. I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be, but I was willing to take a chance. Turns out, it was a hit. Almost everyone in my family requests this carrot cake for their birthday dessert. The exception being, when they know I don’t like to be in the kitchen, and they feel it might be asking too much, lol. It doesn’t take too long to make, and once you’ve made it a couple times, it’s a piece of cake! No pun intended.



Preheat oven to 350

Mix together dry ingredients:
 3 cups whole wheat flour 
(Or  whatever type of flour fits your needs)
 2 tsp. baking powder
 1 tsp. baking soda
 1 tsp. cinnamon
 1 tsp. salt (optional)

Mix well in a separate bowl:
 ½ lb. soft tofu
 1 lb. grated carrots 
(Roughly 4 ½ -5 cups, I just buy the shredded carrots in a package)
 ¾ cup cold pressed olive oil (I usually use ½ cup)
 2 c. light brown sugar 
(I usually use much less, substitutions can always be made)
 1 Tb. vanilla
 ¼ c. orange juice concentrate

Add dry ingredients to the wet ones. Stir until all dry parts are moistened.

Fold in:
 ¾ c. walnuts (Add more if you’d like to)
 ¾ c. raisins (Ditto)

Oil and flour pan. Bake for 45 minutes. When cool, top with whatever topping you’d like. When I first started making this cake I tried store bought cream cheese frosting, then went to homemade tofu frosting, and then to a regular whip cream topping. Which do we like best today? PLAIN! 

Let me know how you like it!

Happy DAY 25!

This recipe comes from the Tofu Cookery, however, I've modified it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"Be fully aware. Be engaged. Remind yourself 
to live in the present moment." 
 - Jim Fannin

Day 24 of 30: Feeling 'Squeezed'?

DAY 24 of 30!


Lemon juice, of course! If you expected lime juice, then you'd have to squeeze a lime. If you'd like orange juice, an orange. You get the picture. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "When life gives you the lemons, make lemonade!" It's so true. This goes right along with your glass being half full or half empty perspective. In case you haven't realized it already, much of what you believe, live by on a day to day basis, and are relentless about, is based on your perspective. 


What do I mean by being 'squeezed'? I'm referring to your reaction to CHALLENGES that come your way throughout life, both expected and unexpected. The squeezes you get each day. In other words, what comes out of you? Kindness, courtesy, courage, respect, patience, a sense of serenity and calmness? Or is it frustration, irritation, impatience, disrespect, foul language, and being out of sorts? We all have our moments, but as you begin to set new CHALLENGES for yourself to conquer when the next 30 DAY CHALLENGE begins, please, be aware of what comes out of you when you're squeezed. If you don't like what you see, change it!


No one is perfect! We all have times when we fall short, don't meet desired expectations, or simply are feeling overwhelmed, or perhaps, overtired. These cases are to be the exception, if you are to go on, and conquer your list of goals, successfully. 


Make note of how you're handling issues that come up. Notice how you respond to the people involved. Make note of your moods, and particularly when things 'set you off', regardless of how much they set you off. By the end of the week you should see a pattern of your general behavior. If you tried extra hard during the week to maintain your reactions to people, events, and random situations, because you're simply being more mindful of it, all the better. 


Notice if it's the same people, places, or situations (school, work, church, etc.), that get your feathers ruffled. Ask yourself why? Next, ask yourself what you can do to change the situation. Sometimes we're in a position to change the situation, sometimes not. If you can change it, by all means change it. If you cannot, then it's time to either make other arrangements, or change your perspective. Also, notice if the same emotions keep coming up: Angry, sad, depressed, etc., and begin dealing with those emotions in a healthier way.


Arm yourself to better handle everything which comes your way by being well-rested. Get a good night sleep, as often as possible, ideally every night in an ideal world. Staying hydrated allows you to think more clearly. Eating healthy 'LIVE' food, gives your body the resources it needs to sustain you during stressful events. It also allows you to recover faster. Making time each day to clear your mind and relax, helps you keep a more positive perspective. Allowing yourself ample time to get to and fro, and delegating tasks that can be delegated all contribute to a balanced lifestyle. Be sure to keep your daily calendars and appointments realistic. Ultimately, learning to be assertive, if you're not already, is a huge step in the right direction. One does not need to be passive, nor aggressive.

Here's to many positive 'Squeezes' today!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"We become what we think about all day long."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 23 of 30: COMMUNICATION: Are You Getting the Message?

DAY 23 OF 30!

Hi Team:
How are you today? Are you sleeping better, thinking more clearly, feeling like you're getting the hang of your new 'Behavior Modification?' GREAT!  

Today, I'd like to discuss an area in which a good part of our lives are spent on......COMMUNICATION. Yes, our communications affect our health, state of mind, and ability to focus.

How's your communication? I'm referring to both your communications with others, and others communications with you. If you're like most people, sometimes communication flows smoothly, other times, we run into frustration.


Communicating is a necessary part of life. We live, work, play, and move throughout the day, in world of people. People of all sizes, colors, backgrounds, beliefs, good habits, and not-so-good habits, surround us. To best maneuver our way through the day, we must observe one another, listen to one another, hear what one another is saying, and reply in a manner which the other person can best understand. Easy? Not!  


I find the more a person knows we're truly listening, and acknowledge where they're coming from, the better the communication. This doesn't mean we need to agree, it means we understand what they are telling us. When a person feels rushed, gets interrupted, or there's a lack of eye contact, the communicator quickly realizes the other person isn't truly listening, rather they're REACTING. When a person is truly listening to another person, they will hear what they have to say. If the conversation seems to be going on for a long time, it's okay to signal their attention and let them know you'd like to have a chance to speak, as well. Far too many times, people become easily distracted when someone else is speaking. They get distracted by other people in the environment, a cell phone beeping, or the main their own thoughts of what they themselves want to say next. 



I'm sure the majority of your communications are wonderful. When the 'not so wonderful' moments come along, when people are irritated, angry, or lacking patience and seem frustrated, keep in mind the message they are delivering, MINUS the emotion behind it. When a loved one comes to you all upset about something, listen to what they are telling you, leave the fire-like emotions behind. People are always looking to communicate with someone, and let's face it, many times when things come up, it's not convenient, and emotions can just add to the fire, if we start reacting with our emotions too, rather than listen to their message, it can easily begin to throw the conversation off track. 


Have you ever tried to 'work things out' with someone in the 'heat of the moment'? How did that work for you? Usually, this tends to make matters worse. Allow yourself, and the other person time to 'cool off', relax, think things through, and many times they will feel differently than they did in the heat of the moment. 


As ironic as it may sound, I believe solitude is necessary for good communication. Give yourself a chance to relax, in a quiet place where there is no phone, television, or people to interrupt you. Relax long enough to clear your mind, slow the heart rate, and regroup. Many times we're so surrounded with people, places to go, and responsibilities to fulfill, there's little room for self-reflection, or meditation. Give yourself this time. You deserve it. Your loved ones deserve it. It's healthy, rejuvenating, and works as a cleanse on your nervous system. If you can be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, all the better. But please, don't wait for the 'Perfect' moment, because as you know, there is no perfect anything. If it ends up feeling like it was the perfect moment, consider yourself blessed!

May all your communications flow smoothly, DAY 23!