Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 22 of 30: Water: Quenching more than you realize....

DAY 22 of 30 !
Hi Team:

Here we are in the middle of summer. It's not hard to think of water in the summertime, is it? A little yard work, or gardening, and soon you find yourself reaching for a glass of water. But summer or not, many people don't consume enough water each day to sustain their body at a cellular level. 

I'm sure you've heard the statement before, "If you feel thirsty, chances are you're  already dehydrated." Think about it. How often do you feel thirsty? I've heard of good, clean, pure water helping many ailments:

- Insomnia
- Dry eyes
- Dry skin
- Obesity
- Headaches
- Physical pain
- Sore / fatigued muscles
- Depression
- Allergies

and more. If you've been having problems with any of the above, or any health related issue, could it be you're not drinking enough water? A good general rule of thumb is drinking half your body weight in ounces, minimum, each day. Of course, if you're working, playing, or exercising outdoors, double it. 

Don't be fooled as the cooler weather starts to seep in, you'll need just as much water to stay hydrated, and then some, as the air is much drier in the fall and winter. Many people run humidifiers to add moisture back into the air, which helps with respiratory issues, but it will NOT hydrate your body. You're the only one who can do it.


Juice is no substitute for water. Juice is high in natural sugars. 'Soft' drinks are not a substitute either, they're just man-made concoctions designed to make a profit (not yours unfortunately), at your healths expense, and besides that, they can become addictive for many people. Coffee is not a substitute. Coffee is loaded with caffeine, and isn't good for you even in decaf versions in large amounts, and also can become addictive. Even juice can become a bad habit. Energy drinks, electrolyte drinks, vitamin water, flavored water, etc., are no substitutes for water. The only thing that comes close to water is herbal tea, with nothing else mixed into it.


Fall in love with water, it's taste, it's cleansing and hydrating properties, and it's ability to quench your thirst. Know it's working wonders on your insides you don't realize. Drink, and drink some more. 

Today I'd like you to focus on WATER. Buy yourself a cute, or manly water container that's easy to keep clean, and a reasonable size for your needs. Make note of how much your drinking each day. Are you meeting your basic requirement? 

Cheers to DAY 22!

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