This is so exciting! Here we are at the end of another 'work' week, heading into the second official weekend of the CHALLENGE! Word of caution here: Don't think for a minute this weekend will be any easier than the last, because it's a myth. The mistake many people make is thinking, "I got through it last weekend, so that means I can get through it this weekend." This is true... to a point. Yes, you did make it through last weekend, so yes, you KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. Here's where the ego wants to kick in and make you feel invincible, to the point where you may feel you can just 'do it', without any thought, effort, or pre-planning on your part.
Don't fall for it!
Don't fall for it!
Understand this: Following the CHALLENGE and overcoming a weakness, gets easier partly because of repetition (You make the choice over and over again, not to ingest), but what makes the 30 DAY CHALLENGE new habit last after 30 days, as in a lifetime? It's the ability to prepare, plan, focus, and execute (PPFE). The key here is performing this process daily. It is in performing this process daily, which allows one to become a 'Master', of it. Being a 'Master', grants the individual the ability to perform the process faster, and faster, until it becomes an 'Auto-pilot' feature in the brain.
I encourage you to do the following exercise outdoors, in a quiet place, where you will not be disturbed, or interupted.
Today, I'd like you to focus on healing. Look within. What needs repairing? Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions? Self-talk? Insecurities? Lack of confidence? Self-esteem? Forgiveness?
Please, take a good, long, honest, objective, 'look', at yourself. I'd like you to make two lists. No one will ever see these lists, but you. One list is to write down the things that bother you about yourself. The other list is to write down what you like about yourself. Note, which list is longer?
Let's take a look at this list. Begin with the top item. What is it that bothers you about this? Are you being too hard on yourself? Do you feel others would have the same opinion, if you asked them? Decide what you want to do about this item. Do you want to discard it? Do you want to take action on it? If so, what action(s) would you take? Why? How important is it to you?
Go through each item on your list and follow the same process. Come to some type of 'Peace', with each and every one of them, before moving onto the next. If you run out of time, no big deal, just keep your list in a safe place, and make a plan when you will return to it. When you're through with your list, you can either store it in a safe place, or burn it.
Take a moment to look each each item on your list. Embrace the good feelings, store them, and acknowledge that fact you have many fine attributes, talents, abilities, and a uniqueness all of your own. In times of stress, feeling overwhelmed, overtired, or those moments you may feel just plain down, remember this list. Allow it to strengthen you, motivate you, and bring you back up to surface, and then some.
Life is too short to have 'unrest' within. I call it 'Inner Conflict'. We must be true to ourselves to have peace within, to live to our full potential, and to serve others in a non-contradictive way. Does this make sense to you?
Be true. Stand tall. Live life to it's fullest, each and every day.
Be true. Stand tall. Live life to it's fullest, each and every day.
Here's to a successful DAY 12!
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